New Year New You

hinh nen chuc mung nam moi 2014, nam con ngua (46)

Wow 2014!  It is going to be a great year!  Personally, I have a lot of goals set for myself and my family for 2014 already!  I am a list maker.  There is only one thing I love more than a list and that is marking things OFF that list!

My 2014 Mantra is “Working smarter, not harder”.

I plan to find ways to cut corners here, there, and EVERYWHERE so I can then spend more time with my family.  I am not settling for quality time anymore… I want QUANTITY!!!  Lots and lots of time for doing what we want to do in 2014!  I plan to share with you all the ways I find to “cut those corners”.

My #1 goal for myself for 2014 is to really focus on me (as much as I can as a mother and wife).  This is actually the perfect time as my kids are 6 and 4 years old and for the first time I finally feel like things are getting easier.  They are pretty self-sufficient. This is going to allow me to take more time for myself to explore and do things that make me happy.  Of course most of the things that make me happy will include my family, but not all of them.  I plan on sharing what I find during my little escapes with you as well!  This will not only help me stay on track for my personal goals but hopefully give you some ideas on how to take more ME time.  It is very important and mothers are notorious for putting themselves last.

One of the biggest and most exciting things I plan on blogging about is our vacations or little weekend or even day trips!  We have a lot planned this year as a family, as a couple, I even have a  girls trip planned!!  After researching for almost a year, I have finally booked our first trip to Disney!  We are going soon, and I can’t WAIT to share with you all the tips and tricks I learned from some of the best Disney experts!  Stay tuned!  I have a lot to share!

I would love to hear what are your goals for 2014?  Do you have a bucket list?

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Amanda is the co-creator of the Blog, The Club Mom, after a 7 year run, and now that her kids are getting older, she decided to create a lifestyle blog/community centered on happiness. Follow along, let’s discover true happiness together!